London Cares Homeless Response Services

Source: London Cares


Percentage Increase in Service Demand from 2021-22 to 2022-23


Resting Spaces Shelter

Turn aways capture the number of times this program was at capacity, and London Cares was unable to support additional individuals with coming into the space to access service. Individuals supported figure for 2022-23 comes from an average of 195, and does not account for the possibility that unique individuals may stay in the space in more than one month in the year. In December 2022, the Resting Space program grew from a capacity of 10 beds to 15 due to Winter Response funding from the City of London. The shelter always runs at 100% capacity. There isn't a night where there is a spare bed.

Support Calls Received

Participant Deaths


Street Outreach


Locations of Individuals

Where unique individuals interacted with outreach in 2023-24

Age of Individuals (%)

Ages of unique individuals who interacted with outreach in 2023-24

Supportive Interactions

Locations Visited Per Month

Average number of locations visited a month during outreach