Proximity to Parks, Child Care, and Health Care


Percentage of the Population Close to Parks, Child Care, and Health Care (2020)

CSD 1km From A Neighbourhood Park 1.5km From A Child Care Facility 3km From A Health Care Facility
London 86.5 87.1 99.58
Thames Centre 20.16 41.8 66.25
Lucan Biddulph 46.09 55.96 77.79
North Middlesex 3.67 25.58 37.7
Middlesex Centre 23.54 38.5 83.3
Adelaide-Metcalfe 8.73 7.73 26.99
Strathroy-Caradoc 49.1 59.51 91.8
Southwest Middlesex 38.25 33.58 45.85